Cyberspace Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of services to help local organizations such as private companies, local councils, and voluntary organizations tap into various EU funding programmes. 


funding opportunity identification
We help clients identify suitable EU funding programmes and calls for proposals that align with their project objectives, ensuring they target the most relevant opportunities for their specific needs in cultural heritage and the creative arts.
project concept development
Our team assists in developing and refining project ideas, ensuring they meet the criteria of funding programmes. We help articulate clear, impactful concepts that stand out to evaluators.
partner search and consortium building
We facilitate the search for local and international partners, helping clients build strong consortia. This collaborative approach enhances project proposals and increases the chances of successful funding applications.
proposal writing and submission
Our experts provide guidance and support in drafting compelling funding applications. We ensure all required documentation is accurate, complete, and submitted on time, improving the likelihood of approval.
budget planning and financial management

We assist clients in creating detailed and realistic project budgets. Our financial planning services ensure that funding is allocated efficiently and effectively, meeting all regulatory requirements.

project management

We offer comprehensive project management services, overseeing project implementation to ensure it adheres to the funding body’s requirements. Our support includes scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management.

monitoring and reporting

Our team supports clients in tracking project progress and preparing necessary reports for funding bodies. We ensure compliance with reporting standards, keeping projects on track and funders informed.

training and capacity buildling

We conduct workshops and training sessions to enhance clients’ skills in project management, application writing, and financial planning. This builds internal capacity for future funding applications and project execution.

compliance and audit preparation

We ensure projects meet all EU regulations and standards, assisting clients in preparing for audits. Our services include reviewing documentation and processes to ensure compliance.

network and advocacy

We connect clients with relevant stakeholders and advocate for their interests within the funding ecosystem. Our networking services help build valuable relationships and enhance project visibility.

At Cyberspace Solutions we offer comprehensive services to help local organizations secure EU funding. From identifying opportunities and developing project concepts to managing implementation and ensuring compliance, our expertise ensures successful funding applications and project execution. Partner with us to turn your cultural heritage and creative arts projects into reality.